
Soundproofing the headliner and roof of the car

ABM brand offers products for effective soundproofing of the headliner or roof of a car. Among them are acoustic foam and butyl soundproofing mats, which effectively reduce noise and vibration generated while driving. Acoustic foam is a material that is excellent at absorbing sound, which allows you to effectively soundproof the cabin of your car. On the other hand, butyl soundproofing mats are characterized by flexibility and easy adaptation to the shape of the roof or headliner, which allows effective soundproofing from above. The use of ABM brand products makes it possible to significantly reduce noise and improve travel comfort. These products are made of high-quality materials, which guarantees their durability and effectiveness. Soundproofing the headliner or roof of a car with ABM brand products is an important step towards increasing driving comfort and significantly reducing noise in the car.


How to soundproof a car’s headliner and roof? Step-by-step instructions


1. Remove the headliner and related parts using the appropriate car plastic removal kit. Remember to remove the handles, side plastics, gaskets, lights.

2. Remove carefully so as not to dirty or damage the headliner! Remember to unplug the wires from the headliner!

3. Degrease the roof using extraction gasoline.

4. We choose ABM Professional butyl mat with a thickness of 2.0 mm for a better effect we recommend ABM Xtreme 2.0 mm, then cut and glue to the sheet accordingly. Layer it on the sheet metal, avoiding the roof beams.

5. After lining with the butyl mat, we roll each piece with a mounting roller to level out the air under the mat.

6. When you feel that there is a bit of air left in some place, remove it by pressing it to the nearest outlet/edge!


Soundproofing the headliner and roof of the car ABM Insulation


7. Degrease the butyl mat before laying down the rubber foam.

8. In places where we have the butyl mat lined, we lay rubber foam with a thickness of 6 to 10 mm. If there is room to install a thicker foam, we prefer to do it for better effect.

9. We choose the thickness of the rubber foam according to the place in the car!

10. After completing the rubber foam lining, we deal with the installation of the headliner and all the elements associated with it.


What materials do we need for soundproofing the headliner or roof of the car?


Car plastic removal kit

Extraction gasoline

ABMProfessionalbutyl mat orABMXtreme butyl mat with a thickness of 2.0 mm

Mounting roller long or mounting roller shorter

Rubber foam with a preferred thickness of 6 to 10 mm

Metal upholstery knife or plastic upholstery knife

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